Sam has learned how to climb. And so he is climbing on everything and being quite the little dare devil. His first thing to climb on was the dishwasher, I don't mind as long as

the dishes are clean (of course anything breakable or sharp has to removed before he runs over to the dishwasher - so lets just say I can unload it with lighting speed now!). Recently we put a rocking chair in his room which he learned to climb and sit down on fairly quickly and he looked really cute sitting in it. Now he climbs up and rather than sitting down, stands up in it and then gets up onto the arm of it where he tries to get into his crib from there. He can't get into his crib from this position yet, but I think it is only a matter of time. The pretend four wheeler that great-grandma and grandpa got him he has mastered getting on and off of that, so much that now he climbs on and tries to stand on the back on the seat with his hands on the bars, like he is going to do a wheely on it or something! He has also discovered that if he climb on the kitchen

chairs you can get to an even higher point - the kitchen table! So kitchen chairs are always pushed under the table - even if you have to get up for millisecond. He loves to sit on the couch and until the other day we would have to help him. But now he can get up there too and he loves sitting up there like a big person. Of all the places he can climb this is the only safe one, but I shouldn't say that too quickly or next thing I know he is going to be trying to jump off it!
Check out the video of his new accomplishment. Sam seems to like all the new places he can reach and the new view he has to see where his new adventure might lead him.