Sunday, April 27, 2008

No Pictures Today

The boys were suppose to get their annual spring pictures taken today. And everyone was looking really good, no bumps, bruises or scratches on their faces. Until..... less than 24 hours before pictures this happens....

Needless to say pictures were re-scheduled for next weekend.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day. A day set aside to inspire awareness of and appreciation for the Earth's environment. There are several very small change you can make in your daily life to help our Earth's environment. Some of these changes you can see results immediately, like replacing conventional light bulbs with compact fluorescents and recycle household appliances and replace them with efficient Energy Star options (your energy bill will cost you less). Things like, getting your name removed from junk mail lists (which you can do here) and pay bills electronically with online, direct bill pay services. Doing these things will preserve millions of trees. Here are a couple more web-sites of simple thing you can do to protect this Earth.

Make EveryDay Earth Day
Ideal Bite
Earth Day Network
Green Mom Finds

You might not think that doing these things will directly impact you, but they will impact your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren and don't you want them to have the same resources from the Earth that you did?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Good-Bye Matt, Kim & Lily

Matt, Kim and Lily are leaving this week to head off to their new home in Phoenix, Arizona. They have been staying at Ed & Lynda's the past week to spend some extra time with the family. Sam and Lily have been having a great time together and I think are going to miss each other a lot. Lily loves watching Ben too and is always asking where he is. We are all going to miss them very much. We wish you guys lots of luck out there! And hopefully soon we will be able to make a visit to see you! Here are some pictures of their new house. And here are some pictures of Lily and her cousins from the past couple days.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Ruined Plans...

Well Andy and I were planning to get Sam married off early, but unfortunately they fixed this law and ruined our plans! Of course I am just kidding, I mean I would like to keep him at home one day a week! They rest of the week I was hoping his "wife" could deal with him! Can you tell the terrible twos are wearing on me?!

Toddlers Can No Longer Marry

Thursday, April 3, 2008

What the World Eats

I thought that this was very interesting... check it out!

What the World Eats