I have some great news! I got offered a new job! And this is one that I was really hoping for too! I am very excited about it (as you can tell). I will be doing more of accounts payable and working with purchasing on invoices (a lot of what I did at my last job, but not at the same time). The offer came with a nice raise and some great benefits, so of course that is a nice plus! It's only 15 minutes from home and I can work my early shift (7:30-4:30)! I start December 5th, so I will post an update of how it goes!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving!
A Thanksgiving Prayer
Oh, Heavenly Father,
We thank thee for food and remember the hungry.
We thank thee for health and remember the sick.
We thank thee for friends and remember the friendless.
We thank thee for freedom and remember the enslaved.
May these remembrances stir us to service,
That thy gifts to us may be used for others. Amen.
May the spirit of Thanksgiving be shared by one and all!
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving, and may God Bless you this Thanksgiving day and always!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
"Bad Dog"
Sam has learned his first two word phrase. And I am learning that I need to watch what I say on a regular basis. I know that I tell Ocho (the dog) that he is bad when he does something like try to nip at Sam or take one of Sam's toys. And I tell Sam that he is bad when he dumps out the dog's water or food or when he throws his entire dinner to the dog. You know normal everyday things that kids and dogs do! Now I didn't think that I really said it all that often, but about a week ago, I heard Sam's first two word phase, "bad dog," as he points and yells at the dog. Or he will go where the dog's food and water is and point at the water and say "bad dog." He has the concept going - he knows what bad is. The thing is he says this ALL the time now! Even when the dog is being perfect, he yells at him - "bad dog." I got a cute video - now of course he wouldn't say the phrase when I tried to video him, but he does say "dog" and a couple a seconds later "bad, bad, bad" and then the famous "no" comes out too when I ask him a question. Here's the video (remember I can completely understand what he is saying - to someone that doesn't have a 1 year old or it's been awhile you might not quit understand him!).
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Happy Birthday Andy!!!
Hope that you had a great day. We are actually going to celebrate on Saturday when Jacob is here. I will post pictures then. We love you - Pam, Jacob & Sam! Here are the pictures.

Friday, November 3, 2006
Happy Birthday Dad!
I met my parents and sisters at Hard Rock Cafe in Detoit to celebrate my Dad's 56th birthday! It was a great time! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!
Check out the pictures!
Check out the pictures!

Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Fall Pictures 2006
After three trips to the park, several outfit changes and an evening of Sam being in the worse mood ever, I somehow managed to get some family pictures. The ones of Jacob and Sam turned out great at the park (I always love taking those). Of course I got them the kinda matching sweaters and tried to get some of the same poses from last year. Jacob was great, smiled when I asked him to, looked where I wanted him to and he even had to ignore his brother when he wanted to bust out laughing. Sam on the other had, well lets just say it's a lot harder to take a "sitting pose" of a one and half year old toddler than it was last year when he was just five months! (I guess it would be the whole thing that he is mobile now - and quite fast I might add.) The evening for family pictures I thought would go great (boy was I wrong). As soon I had heard Sam stirring in his crib from his nap, I had the rest of us change into our "outfits" and got all ready. Sam woke up, I changed him, gave him a snack, but he was having no part of a family picture! I did get a couple good shots in (mind you I am using the automatic timer and jumping into the picture two second before the flash goes off). I also included some of the "not so great shots." ENJOY!
Fall Pictures 2005
Fall Pictures 2005

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