Sam got up this morning and we asked him, "how old are you today?" and he proudly shouted "TWO!" This is probably due to the fact for the past few days we have been telling him that he is going to be two today. But he was just so darn cute saying it this morning. Andy got him saying it on the video camera last night, but he was not as excited about it yesterday as he was this morning. I don't think that he really realizes that today is a special today for him, but this morning he was in an especially good mood, running all over the house with his lawn mover that he got for his birthday last year. I think that he knew something was special about today, but doesn't really get why. But he is
soooo ready to have some cake!!! He wanted some this morning for breakfast! Guess he already has one of the best things about birthday down pat! We are celebrating with my family today, tomorrow he is celebrating at school and Friday we will celebrate as a family with Jacob and then this weekend we will celebrate with Andy's family. Just some small celebrations so he doesn't get too overwhelmed. I will post pictures as I can.
HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY SAM!!!Sam's Birthday with Daddy, Mommy & JacobCelebration with Pam's FamilyCelebration with Andy's Family(Could we take anymore pictures?!?!)