The kids actually slept in longer that I thought they would, which was a GREAT thing (since I did not get to bed until after 1:00am). Sam kinda woke up like it was a normal morning, but he was excited about something, I just don't think he really knew what. Andy reminded him it was Christmas morning and that we needed to go downstairs and see if Santa came. Then he got really excited! He made sure Jacob was awake and busted into Ben's room to wake him up. We made it downstairs and Lily was sleeping on the fold out couch in the living room, so Sam made sure she woke up too. Within minutes kids were ripping into presents and throwing wrapping paper all over! It took about an hour for everything to be opened (except for Ben's stuff - which some of it was not opened for days). The kids were very happy and were playing with all their new toys for the rest of the morning. It was a great morning and a lot of fun. Loud and full of energy... just like Christmas morning should be.
Later in the day Rob, Patti, Kelsey and Lucy come over and we had a nice dinner and opened even more presents!
I put more stories about each of the kids on their own blog pages - links are at the top of this page.)Christmas morning pictures are here!Christmas afternoon pictrues are here!