We had a very nice Easter this year. Sam was sooo excited about the Easter Bunny and left carrots and some milk out for him. I actually had to wake the both boys up (so we would have enough time to find baskets and play with them and get ready for church). The Easter Bunny left both boys a pail with a note and egg in it with a clue to find another egg. And so they (well Sam) would find another set of eggs with another clue and go looking for more eggs. It was cute. Ben was excited every time Sam found more eggs because there were jelly beans in the eggs and Ben LOVES jelly beans. He is just crazy about them! Sam had funny running around finding the next clue. Sam even helped Ben open his eggs and put them in his pail. After about six clues they found their baskets in the kitchen. I think they both really liked their baskets and soon they had the baskets unloaded and all over the kitchen floor. And soon both boys had so much candy in them they were bouncing all over! Ben also got his first taste of M&M's and did a happy dance! Sam got some new Bakugan and Transformers stuff. Ben got pails and buckets and sand toys. We got them ready for church matching outfits of course) and off we went. Later Sam, Ben and I went over to my Grandparent's for dinner. (Andy stayed home for some peace and quiet to study for tests the next day.) Ben was not sitting still at dinner and Sam just thought this was sooo funny (just like any normal dinner at home!). The boys got some more baskets from their grandparents and great grandparents and they loved them! It was a nice Easter and Sam and Ben had a really good day.
Jacob was super lucky and spent Easter break in Florida with his mom, step-dad and brothers (check out his pictures on his
blog). I can't wait to hear all about his trip when he gets back and to see lots of pictures!
Video below too....
Easter Morning Pictures HERE!
Dinner at Grandparents Pictures HERE!
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